Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If You Understood My Past....

If You Understood My Past, You Would Understand My many of us can make that statement with confidence?

I sure can and that is exactly why I wrote my new book!

Every time I look back over my life, I get caught up in a praise because I can see the places from where God brought me. Just a quick glance over my shoulder and my spirit erupts in praise. You don't know what my praise cost me....

For me, praise is an acronym
P - purposeful passion, persistence, potential and promise
R - rising above obstacles with resilience
A - achieving all my life's dreams with an abundant attitude
I - identifying those hindrances from a life full of blessings
S - strength and self-esteem
E - expecting favor with enthusiasm and experiencing life through eyes of faith

What does your praise stand for?

When you look back over your shoulder, do you get caught in a praise or do you hang your head in shame? Have you been there, done that and gotten a souvenir t-shirt for all of the mistakes you've made. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired of getting the short end of the "love" stick? Welcome to my world. If You Understand My Past, You Would Understand My Praise is a humorous and vividly authentic memoir about looking for love in all the wrong places until one day, I woke up and realized I was worth more.

Sound familiar?
Trenton and I had a tumultous relationship. I felt that he was all that I deserved because I had made sacrficies to be with him. Finally, it was crystal clear that he wouldn't be able to give me the love I deserved when three months before our wedding he dropped a bomb on me.

This book is based on a true story and all characters are real people whose names have been changed.

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a life coach, motivational speaker and author. She is the founder and CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, which was designed to help you define the Incredible You. You can get more information about her or her literary debut at

If people understood your past, would they understand your praise?

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