Monday, September 8, 2008

If You Want Something You've Never Had....

Hello Incredible One!

If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.

Remember GI Joe the real American Hero? At the end of every show, he said "knowing is half the battle." That statement is very true. Knowing is half of the battle. What you do with that knowledge is what produces the other half of the battle - RESULTS or Defeat!!!!

Do you know that you are not where you want to be?
When you look back over your life, are you excited to see that you are living your destiny?
Do you know that if you keep doing what you're doing you will get more of what you've got?
Do you know that change is simple?
Do you know that life and death lie in the power of your tongue?
Do you know that by speaking positive, living thoughts you can create change that manifest itself into your DESTINY?


All you need to do is make a decision - a non-negotiable decision that you are going some place different with your life. Remember, knowing is half the battle. With a made up mind, you can begin to propel yourself full throttle into your destiny. Taking massive action produces INCREDIBLE change - the kind of change that writes your own paycheck! Are you excited?

The time is now to take the knowledge that you developed early in this battle called life and win with results that lead to developing into the INCREDIBLE YOU!

After all, if you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done.

Are you willing?

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a success coach, motivational speaker and author. Her company, Incredible One Enterprises, helps you to define the Incredible You by taking the lid of your thinking and raising the bar of expectation. Life is about Passion Abundance Confiedence and Expectation....Got PACE? For more information, visit

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