Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get CLEAR for 2011 - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Coach

Here's your get this one before 2011 assignment:

1. Create a safe space in your home where you can get quiet and center yourself for at least 30 minutes to an hour. In this quiet space, breathe deeply and clear your mind from all the clutter - what you didn't do in 2010, what you wish you did differently in 2010, the relationships that ended, etc. Remember, it's time to stop giving your past permission to speak.

2. Leave your fears, your disappointments and your doubts behind you. Physically write them all down. Ask yourself, "What am I afraid of" until there's nothing left to write. Take a deep breath and review your list. You will hopefully be able to assess that there is no evidence to support those fears and that you have simply taken possesion of things that don't belong to you and internalized them until they got you stuck in your mess.

3. Evaluate your fears and replace them with statements that show confidence and conviction. Write each statement down in positive present tense.

4. Ask for what you REALLY want. Know the why, the true reason why you want it. REALLY personal Example: I want to be married not just for the sake of being married, but so that I can achieve my destiny. Don't get me wrong, I want all the perks that come with it but I also want to work, the challenges and triumphs. I want my soul/goal mate to take the journey with me. I don't want to arrive without him. Truthfully, I cannot do what I was created to do without my partner in my life. We have a destiny to fulfill, lives to change, people to empower and neither of us can do it alone. We need each other. He will be the true catalyst of destiny achievement and he will keep me inspired and focused through every leg of the journey as we travel to our destiny together.

5. Record your responses, thoughts, visions, reasons why, etc in a journal and begin to journal everyday for at least 15 minutes about what you see for yourself, what you want to accomplish, why you want it, why the world needs it and how you feel about it. Reflect in happiness. Cause your energy to positively shift around that which you want. And also record it on a vision board. I personally recommend you use a peg board so that as the vision changes, you can easily and effortlessly make modifications without the hassles of glue and poster board.

Make this a priority before January 1, 2011. Your next year depends on your clarity.

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Just be sure to include the following:
©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio download "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit

Monday, December 27, 2010

Upleveling Your Vision - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Coach

Today marks the last Monday in 2010. I woke up this morning, excited, grateful, energized and inspired. You see, I start each day in gratitude before visualizing the day I want. Today was no different, yet it was completely different. I am clear that something changed when I went to sleep last night; I woke up focused on happiness and joy and abundance and that led me to today's activities: updating my vision board, reading several chapters in A Happy Pocket Full of Money, starting my 2011 Mind Movie and visualizing what I would Master in 2011.

My vision board was created in 2008 and I hadn't made any adjustments to the vision since then but I had already achieved many of the items on there so it was necessary to get clear on my 2011 focuses. Also, I declaring some new focuses in 2011 and I had to make sure that they stood out on my board. Now that my board is updated, I have an even more renewed sense of vision and I am so excited about realizing EVERY thing on my vision board in 2011. What are you envisioning that you will master in 2011? Love, wealth, health, education, business growth...get clear and FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Success results....

Your assignment: uplevel your vision by updating your vision board to reflect the happiness, harmony and goals for your year of Mastery.

Be Incredible,

(c) 2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey, all rights reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey is the CEO of Incredible One and the creator of the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System, a proven 10 step system to turn your passion into profit. For more information, visit

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weatherproofing Your Incredible Factor - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Business Coach

Yes, it's that time of year; its cold, there's sure to be lots of snow judging by the fact that it is so cold so early in December. People don't want to come out and play or network or listen to you talk about how great your products and services are at a local hotel or other meeting place when the roads are bad and they'd rather by cozying up to a cup of hot cocoa in their jammies. At this time of year, the only problem that people are interested in finding a solution to is how to stay warm without a ridiculously high heating bill! Yet, business is still getting done and people are still getting solutions to their problems.

So what does this mean for your business? It can mean trouble if you don't have a plan, a strategic plan, that includes service delivery options that create comfort for your ideal clients. If you offer a service - a coach, speaker, writer, consultant, financial planner/advisor, etc, your product line must be diversified. If the only way you can offer your product or service is face to face, unless you have a 4x4 to handle the weather that you may get depending upon where you live, your business will not be serving many in the coming months.

My personal recommendation is that you conduct a product and service gap analysis. What do you offer now as well as what can you offer in the near future to meet client needs without being harassed by weather conditions? Even if the most challenging weather condition you face is rain and wind, how can you keep your clients safe from the weather while servicing their needs and earning income to support your lifestyle and family? Perhaps you are like me and you coach others and you [unlike me] have always focused on face to face coaching because the breakthroughs are more robust and feeling your client's energy warms your heart, etc. Well, please don't mistake me, that is great. I, too, enjoy face to face coaching opportunities and explore them with my VIP Days, but I also have many other options to work with my clients, which also removes geographic limitations on my business. Ask yourself: how can you offer the same level of breakthrough experience when we are 20 inches deep in the white stuff? Perhaps diversifying your coaching package options to include video conferencing might be a solution. You can still see your client, they can still see you, you're in your home, they're in theirs; but, business is still being done and you are still using your Incredible Factor to solve their problems. And for the most part, video conferencing is F-R-E-E....
This is just one example of how taking the time to sit down and develop a strategy to diversify your product offerings and service delivery methods can increase your client count and ensure that your business goes on regardless of what is happening with the weather.
How else can you diversify your product and service offerings? Need help coming up with a robust strategy? Invest in a I'm Ready to Play Big Strategy Session with me and I will show you how to make this wintry selling season the best you've ever seen in your business.

Your assignment:
Inspect the Incredible: Complete a self-assessment of your current business portfolio and ask yourself the following questions:
1. Determine all of the services that you offer that may be affected by the weather.

2. What can you offer instead? What options can you create?

3. How can you leverage technology to continue your service delivery to your ideal clients? Webinars, teleseminars, video conferencing, etc. Develop a plan to add these options into your current packages.

4. How might creating a passive income product help your product service model?

5. If you have a Blackberry, are you put it to full use? How about offer Blackberry access to your private clients for on the spot coaching?

Once solutions are present, implement, implement, implement...that is what separates the business women from the hobby girls.

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

If you want a LIFT, You Must SHIFT - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Business Coach

"How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Lift Your Results By Shifting Your Reality."

Personal Responsibility. That's exactly what it took for me one year ago to achieve the success that I know my business was created for. I had to take complete ownership over the daily operations, the plan, the systems and the strategies that would bring me more joy, more clients, more income and more time for what I deem important. Dare I say it, I had to commit to implementation. After all that is the one thing that separates money makers from those who talk about wanting to make money.

Like many new entrepreneurs, I started my business out of love, because I love the empowerment of others, BECAUSE I WANT TO SEE WOMEN IN BUSINESS SUCCEED AND BUILD A LEGACY - but the reality was that I wasn't making any money when I opened its doors. So out of fear, I took a job. Can I really be real with you? I figured, "the mortgage and car payment must be made somehow, and since I've not yet figured out how to make that happen, I'll go back to work." It was hard after the income and success of Mary Kay to get a job. BUT LACK OF FOCUS AND CLARITY CREATES A SCARCITY MINDSET. Now, I believe that there is nothing wrong with launching a business while you still work a fulltime job. But I do believe that your job must become your fundraising opportunity and your mindset must be fixed on getting to your purpose - your reason why.

For the first year of my business, I was complacent - a client here, a speaking engagement there - it was all good. But then I looked at my paycheck and realized that it wasn't going to give me the personal fulfillment of serving people in a big way or the income to enjoy my service. I'm being real with you - money is necessary and if you've duped yourself into believing that all you need is enough to pay your bills, you need to SHIFT.

So in September 2009, I went to work in my business. I hired a high level business coach and joined several high level PAID mastermind groups. I hired a team so that I wasn't the only employee in my company. I shifted my mindset to say, I will give my business the same respect I was giving my employer. Now it was a job I loved, Running the Women's Business Center for the State of Delaware [The Center for Women's Entrepreneurship]- working with aspiring and new entrepreneurs every day to set up their businesses the right way - sound familiar - but it wasn't business on my own terms.

I realized that all that I need was within me and I could create the business that I longed for by creating a system. And I did. I created the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System by looking at what was working for me and using my marketing abilities to solidify a process to get and keep clients asking to work with me. I began sharing it with my clients while I also performed the steps and what happened? All of our businesses grew exponentially. I diversified my business model - Do you know that I booked 40 paid speaking at at least $3500? Do the math. Did you know that I clearly defined my business coaching program, increased my rates based on the value and results I was offering, immediately enrolled 10 private high level, high dollar coaching clients, started group coaching programs at varying income thresholds, began to write a new book - guaranteed to be a best seller, created ancillary products and I saw my business model and business plan more than quadruple.... And here we are today, December 1, 2010 where I am on the verge of helping you do the same.

Why am I sharing this with you? Well, I put in my notice at my job (Just over Broke) and effective in 2 weeks I'm going to run my already 6 figure business that I built in 11 months full time. I'm going to unveil everything that I did to everyone who will invest in me and themselves over the next few months with intesive workshops giving you the best that I've got. And this is happening all because of my shift in order to lift.


Join me on December 15th for a FREE Tele-Class - "How 6 & 7 Figure Entrepreneurs Use Mindset, Marketing & Money-Making Systems and Strategies DIFFERENTLY to Grow Their Businesses" Register Today

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises.comand the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Don't Talk; Just Listen What Your Incredible Factor IS Saying to Your Ideal Clients- Darnyelle A. Jervey

Don't Talk, Just Listen: What Your Incredible Factor IS Saying to Your Ideal Clients

Sounds weird, I know the thought that I, a business coach, would tell you NOT to talk about what your business offers to your prospects, right. Well, that’s not entirely what I’m saying. What I am saying is that many of your service based businesses are suffering because you’re saying way too much and it appears disingenuous. I mean they (your IDEAL prospects) are looking at you like you’ve got three heads because you aren’t listening to what they need. Instead, you’re going on and on about what you do and how you do it and who you’ve done it for. ENOUGH. Stop. Do not pass go; do not collect $200. Instead sit down and let me tell you how to have an effective interaction with a prospective client.

1. Smile, shake their hand firmly. DO NOT hand them your business card. Instead, tell them your name and what you do in one sentence and turn the conversation back to them.
2. Ask them what the biggest challenge they are facing right now in their life or business? This distinction depends on if what you offer affects life OR business. Or, direct the question to the area in which you work. Clearly if you are a business coach and they have a business, you’d pose the question specifically to what you do so that the chance that you are the solution to their problem actually enters into the conversation. If you are an event planner, you might ask, “When you think about planning an event for personal or business needs, what is your biggest challenge in getting it all done?” Note: The problem they have may not be one you can solve but you may know someone that can help them. If you can’t solve it, don’t try to act like you can for the sake of gaining a new client – STAY in YOUR LANE!
3. Listen to their challenge and ask subsequent questions to determine what if anything they have been able to do to alleviate the challenge?
4. Ask them what do you want to experience instead? Listen, they are speaking from their head right now. Paying close attention will cue you on what it means to them on a deeper level before you ask the next question.
5. What would it mean if you were able to resolve this challenge, how would that change your life or business?
6. As you listen, offer verbal and physical cues that you are paying attention. Remember, people will forget what you said and did but they will never forget how you made them feel – Dr. Maya Angelou. You may need to pull them into a quiet corner at the event.
7. Reassure them if you are the solution to their problem. Let them know that you can assist them and you’d love to set up an opportunity to learn more about them in the near future. NOW HAND THEN YOUR BUSINESS CARD; get theirs and set up a date and time, preferably in the next 48 hours to talk at least to schedule your meeting or consultation.

When you follow the suggestions I lay out for you, your Incredible Factor is saying that you care; that you recognize the problems and pain points of people and you have created effective solutions to help them resolve their problems. Your Incredible Factor will be credited with such thoughts and feelings as considerate, compassionate, interested, concerned, and exceptional – especially if you pretended as if no one else was in the room as you talked. If you follow up and through after such a powerful interaction at that meeting or networking event, and you’ve got irresistible offers available for them to choose to work with you, you will welcome a new client. Remember a good business owner is a problem solver for their ideal clients. By listening and asking poignant directed questions, you can assure your prospect that you are the ONLY solution to their problem.

In the event that you do not do as I suggest, your Incredible Factor won’t be so Incredible. In fact, you will appear arrogant and unconcerned about others. Remember the famous Zig Ziglar quote, “help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want.”

Trust me, it’s worth it to just listen, that could be the difference between welcoming a new client or going back to the drawing board.

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit

Thursday, October 7, 2010

4th Quarter Comeback - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Coach

4th Quarter Comeback: How to Position Your Incredible Factor to Play BIG

It's the first week of the final quarter of the year and many of you are panicking. You're panicking because you've been playing small all year and now that it's time to pay the piper, you're trying to figure out how to make this thing [your business] work. Let me clarify what I mean by playing small: playing small occurs when you are not enacting your divine purpose and serving others in a big way. I have a few other examples of playing small indicated below:

1.You set a goal to grow your business this year by 25% in new clients, yet you've not learned or implemented any new marketing strategies to attract new clients. 2.You knew that in order to go to the next level in your business you needed a coach, yet you've convinced yourself that you could encourage, motivate and offer accountability to yourself.
3.You know that you have a big message that the world needs and opportunities keep presenting themselves and you are still sitting still because they're not showing up the way you thought they would.
4.You keep making excuses instead of plans in any facet of your business development.

As you can see and feel, playing small is a place of comfort and if you want your Incredible Factor to play big, you must get uncomfortable. There are still almost 3 full months left in this year and there are still tons of strategies that you could implement to grow your business by 25% this year if you get up, get out and take action. Here are tips to help you make the most of your fourth quarter:

1.Review your goals. Take a close look at what you planned to do this year. Determine which goals, if any, need to be reconfigured and make a non-negotiable decision to recommit to working hard and taking calculated, consistent action over the next 85 days.
2.Breakdown the big goal into smaller pieces so that they feel doable. As an example, if you still need to gain 20 new clients this year and you've already gotten 5, that leaves 15 with 13 weeks left in this year, that equates roughly to 1 new client each week, and if you on average talk to 3 prospects to get one client, begin to schedule five prospect calls/meetings each week so that you can boost your results.
3.Go back through the list of people who've expressed interest in working with you. Pick up the phone and follow up, one more time. Prepare to remind them of the problem you solve and illustrate why working with you is exactly what THEY need to begin 2011 in the perfect position.
4.Plan, Plan, Plan - complete a weekly marketing plan on Monday, 1st thing when you enter your office each week. AND plan each work day in advance. Before you close the door and turn off the light, take 15 minutes to plan the following day so that you don't have to "hit the ground running" the next morning. Doing so will restore your confidence in achieving your goals and create a plan of implementation so that you can do what must be done to hit your 4th quarter comeback goals.
5.Shift your circle of influence. Other the next 85 days, commit to spending time with people who are where you want to be. No Incredible SNATCHERS, No weeds, only fertilizer. Your seed must be surrounded by light to grow so find some light - hire a coach; invest in a mentor. Turn off the television during the work day and give your business the same respect you once gave your job. When you commit to give yourself what you gave your boss, you will start to comeback!
6.Affirm your business goals. I recommend you write your revised 4th quarter comeback goals in positive, present tense on index cards and at the start of each day, review them before you begin your work for the day. 7.Take action - do what must be done each day so that you can wake up on January 1 ecstatic that you accomplished your 2010 goals and are ready to exceed them in the new year.

Your year long setback has set you up for a BIG comeback if you take action now!

Want to reprint this article? You may by ensuring that you include the following at the conclusion of the article:

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit

Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Interview with Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Business Coach

How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a Certified Business Coach and Mentor?

Honestly, in order for me to answer this question, I've got to share two defining moments with you because they led me directly to my purpose and destiny.

My first defining moment occurred when I was when I was 29 years old and miserable in my corporate career. You see, I had progressed in the company very quickly and by the time I was 25/26 I was a VP. But the job that I had always dreamed of had quickly become my nightmare. So I stepped down, I was only a VP for about 6 months because I wasn't ready to work that hard for someone else. So, I returned happily to AVP and was given a team in one of the customer service departments. That was the best thing they could have ever done for me because I realized my gift to empower and inspire. I turned a team of the "Bad News Bears" into Top performers in 3 months of working with them and they remained the Top Performing Team until the day I left the company. You see, even though I was enjoying working with the representatives, I'd drive to work and as soon as I entered the parking lot, I'd get a massive migraine. I'd come to the end of my rope and I knew that there had to be more for me. So I began to seek out other opportunities. In late 2001, I had been introduced to Mary Kay Cosmetics and in mid 2003 I had become a sales director with my own unit of 30 people. I liked Mary Kay but I lacked the fortitude to make it profitable for me until I made that non-negotiable decision in 2004 that I was going to learn the business and create a business that would allow me to leave my full-time job. Unfortunately, when I made the decision, my unit was dying and if I didn't do something quick I was about to lose my directorship.

After a few nights of worry and fear, instead of making excuses, I made a plan. In January 2005, I decided that I was going to give my Mary Kay business the same respect I had given my corporate career. In January 2005, I had 22 unit members but I didn't care because I had a renewed sense of purpose and a determination that wouldn't quit. And I was ready to do the work. By the time I quit my job in April, we had well over 50 unit members and in September of 2005, I was picking up my first Pink Cadillac. By the end of the next seminar year, we had well over 500 beauty consultants in our base unit.

I noticed that I wasn't the only person who worked a corporate job and wanted out. I unknowingly, began to devise a system to help others do the same thing and within one year I helped 5 women promote themselves to car driving sales directors in Mary Kay, while also going from the number 40 unit in my National area to the number 5 in 2005 and number 1 in 2006. We even won the #1 most improved director award for the entire state of Delaware and finished in the top 3 for the state.

But that wasn't the end of my story.

My second defining moment came in late 2007 after just finishing my second Pink Cadillac qualification. I had worked so hard to get my unit to that level and at the end of it, I should have been elated but I wasn't. I was frustrated, I was melancholy....I was no longer interested in being a Mary Kay top sales director. Not because there was something wrong with Mary Kay BUT because I knew that my God-given talents were not being fully utilized and I wanted to live Darnyelle's dream, not Mary Kay Ash's. The next morning after finishing the car, I prayed for direction because I desperately wanted out. I began to brainstorm on what I could do to get my passion and enthusiasm back. That night when I slept, I had a dream and in the dream, as clear as day I saw Incredible One Enterprises.

The next morning when I woke, I began my business plan to create an empowerment firm to help entrepreneurs with marketing, mindset and empowerment. You see, a function of my corporate job and my Mary Kay business had been professional speaking and life and business coaching, little did I know that those two positions had prepared me and led me directly to my destiny. I had been doing both for over 12 years in various forms. I began to create the systems that I had used over and over to quantum leap in my life and business. I had earned my MBA in Marketing while still in corporate, so I began to focus on how I could use my education and skill sets to shift the lives of many. I enrolled in a certified coaching program with Coach Training Alliance and through accelerated study; I began to coach others to Incredible success. I sent my Pink Cadillac back to the company in April 2008 and Incredible One Enterprises officially launch in June of the same year, after developing my programs and content. As a mentor and coach, I've made a commitment to teach you, guide you and transform you and your business.

I have made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs learn the marketing, mindset and empowerment strategies to define, leverage and unleash their Incredible Factor to enjoy a life full of more time, more income and more freedom. I am committed to using my coaching and mentorship programs, workshops, products, masterminds and VIP private coaching and consulting days to create multi-million dollar businesses for women.

Since then, I have worked with thousands of clients, spoken in front of countless groups, conducted monthly marketing, mindset and empowerment workshops all over the country, and created the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System; a proven 10 step system that teaches marketing, mindset and empowerment strategy to turn a service based passion into a profit.

What exactly is the Incredible Factor?
The Incredible Factor is your secret sauce; it is why others are drawn to your business. It is also known as your USP - unique selling proposition or how you stand out in the marketplace. Your Incredible Factor is about your signature business move because people need your gift. Without your Incredible Factor, the world will not be able to accomplish their big dreams and goals. It's why people want to do business with you over and over again. It's what makes your product and service the ONLY solution to their problem. It is a business idea or concept that can be used to serve others in a big way while creating a wealth stream for you and your family.

Unfortunately, many of us start businesses without the skills, strategies and solution that will allow our Incredible Factor to create significant wealth. My mission is to show you how to define, leverage and unleash your Incredible Factor for the world to benefit from your business in a big way.

Who are your clients exactly?
I work with professional women who are committed to serving others - coaches, authors, speakers, virtual assistants, event planners, consultants, personal trainers, etc who know that their secret sauce, signature move and products and services (Incredible Factor) changes lives. She is a previously (or soon to be) corporate un-employable business woman desperate for someone to show her how to make her business work. Her business has not yet crossed the $50,000 mark. She is working part-time in her business or just starting out, within the first couple of years in her business. She loves what she does but she needs to make more money, to serve more people in a big way. She needs marketing systems and backend systems and infrastructure. She needs to get clear on the exact client that her Incredible Factor is for. She is finally ready to SHIFT the way that she works in her business to produce the results that will change her life AND business. She is clear that she has an Incredible message, product and/or service to share with the world but she needs assistance in getting it out there in a big way to people who are ready to pay for the solution her Incredible Factor offers to their problem.

My ideal clients are highly motivated, passionate women entrepreneurs who know their passion, and they are very good at what they do yet they lack the foundational principles that will allow them to uncover and uproot the self-sabotaging mindsets, create compelling marketing materials and strategies and the empowerment to create a strong focus to accomplish their goals and create the life of their dreams. My ideal clients are ready to stop playing small. My clients are not afraid to say that they want to be paid for what they do and my clients, they want to be paid well while changing lives in a positive inspiring way. Divine purpose and money can work together - you can have both.

You may be an ideal business coaching/mentoring client for me if:

>>Your business is at least 1 year old
>>You desire to align your passion with profit
>>Your passion is service based (author, speaker, coach, ministry, consultant, virtual assistant, marketing specialist, caterer, event planner, personal trainers, real estate agents)
>>You have a vision to grow your business to 6 figures by implementing marketing systems and infrastructure
>>Growing your business is a priority for you
>>You are ready to do what is necessary to define and unleash your Incredible Factor (mindset, marketing, client attraction, strategies, empowerment and performance metrics that lead to BIG results)
>>You are ready, willing and able to make an investment in growing your business
>>You are serious about becoming the change you want to see in your business
>>You are enthusiastic about sharing your message with the world in a big way
>>You are finished making excuses and are instead ready to make plans
>>You are frustrated by your lack of paying clients and are open to strategies that work to attract your ideal clients
>>You are ready to go from working in your business to working on your business
>>You are great at what you do but you still need to master marketing and systems to profitze your business
>>You're sick and tired of throwing a noodle against the wall and seeing if it sticks in growing your business

How are you different from other "business coaches and mentors"?
Honestly I'm different from other coaches in many ways. I help people align their divine purpose to a business strategy that infuses mindset and empowerment coaching with marketing strategies, that in and of itself is different. My primary focus for my clients is helping them to leverage their Incredible Factor so that they can turn their serviced-based passion into a profit. Period. My coaching style and practice is focused on a unique blend of coaching, consulting and mentoring. My goal is to provide you with skills, strategies and solutions for your marketing, mindset and empowerment to define, leverage and unleash your Incredible Factor. I ONLY work with solo-preneurs and very small businesses. I do not coach in mid-size companies or major corporations and I do not desire to be an "everything to everybody" type of coach. I am clear on my skill sets and the value I offer to my clients. My clients (solo-preneur service based small businesses) get coached on all things that pertain to running a small business starting with mindset, systems, marketing, etc. I chose to focus so that you get the very best of me. My expertise is sound, undiluted and consistent for producing results for my clients while adding in humor, empowerment and compassion. I love what I do; I have my own coach and mentors and I have made an investment in myself and my business in order to show my clients how to do the same. I help my clients connect their "heart-set" with their mindset so that it produces great results. I am clear that as you eliminate fears, beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors you open yourself up to turn your passion into a profit, allowing you to show up in the world in a much bigger way.

What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
Because I am a high achieving go getter who does not make excuses and instead makes plans and implements them, I work best with people who would consider themselves the same. They are READY to get going and just need to know what to do to make it happen. My clients are ready to do anything to get to the results they crave.

My Incredible Factor coaching programs, workshops and products were created for people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, extremely excited and DEAD SERIOUS about turning their passion into profit. They are done complaining and making excuses. They are ready to walk into their Incredibleness.

Think for just a moment about how your life will change if you have someone committed to teaching you step by step how to create massive and consistent action in your business. No more excuses, just non-negotiable decisions, a new way of thinking and complete support to achieve your BIG goal: to love what you do and to make more than enough to enjoy your life because your passion has produce profit.

By the way, I should also mention that I am allergic to whiners, excuse makers and complainers. I break out into a rash immediately. If you are not committed, you are not willing to do whatever it takes and if you aren't committed, I'm not the coach for you.

Are there any professions for which your coaching program may not work?
My time is very valuable to me; therefore, I am very selective in who I chose to work with as clients. If after getting acquainted with you, I do not feel we are a good fit, I will refer you to someone else. If I do not believe that you are truly suited for my programs or you won't get the results that you desire, I will tell you. It wouldn't be fair to do otherwise.

The Incredible Factor Programs are not for those who are financially struggling and cannot make an investment to work with me (at least not right away). People who are in financial crisis have problems trusting my recommendations and have historically not completed the work or made excuses as to why they couldn't get their assignments done (it could be because they are worried about money and operating from lack not abundance)

If this is you, know that it's okay but you are not ready to work with me. We've all had times of financial crisis at some point. Can I make three recommendations:
1. Keep your job and/or get a part-time job to create some positive cash flow before you call me. This will allow you to relax a little and take heed to the coaching and mentorship you will receive. Then you will be able to focus on the assignments and create the systems that will lead you to turning your passion into a profit.

2. Take advantage of all of the FREE Incredible Factor resources available to you over email. You can click here to register. The free information that I provide will get you on the right path of making your goals a reality for you until you're ready to work with me as a private coaching client.

3. Consider joining the Incredible Factor Coaching Club. At just $47/month after a 30-day FREE trial, it will get you primed to work with me. I'll be here when you are ready. Click here to register today.

Can I contact some of your former clients?
Absolutely! In fact, I strongly recommend you visit my Client Testimonials page on my website and reading all about the successes they've had by working with me. You may even find that you are drawn to one or more of them - perhaps because they've gotten a result you desire or because they do what you do or desire to do. After you've read through them, feel free to email them directly to ask them what they got from working with me.

What exactly is your Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ®?
The LYIF System was designed to help service based professionals (coaches, speakers, event planners, authors, consultants, etc) define, leverage and unleash their Incredible Factor with coaching and instruction on marketing, mindset and empowerment to turn their passion into profit. It is a 10 step system for turning your passion, divine purpose and knowledge into a profit stream that can grow your life. It includes closse to 15 hours of audio coaching and a 200 page manual/workbook and activity guide. This system has been proven to help my clients attract more high-paying clients, build their network, earn more income, create systems to grow their businesses, create, price and package their Incredible Factor into products and much more.

In my "keeping it real" way, I simply share exactly what you can do to leverage your Incredible Factor and start making the money of your dreams.

Lesson #1 Passion and Profit Producing Mindsets
Your inability to produce profit in your business may be tied directly to your mindset about your business and money. If you are consistently giving your gifts away for means you do not believe that people should pay you for your expertise. We will examine and discuss the mindset shifts that 6 and 7 figure earners have indoctrinated into their lives. These shifts are allowing them to cash in on their passion.
Lesson #2 Leverage Your Incredible Factor: The Confidence Chronicles
Interestingly enough, regardless of the level of expertise one holds in their chosen field, lack of confidence and belief in their gifts prevents them from operating their gifts like a business that will enable them to quit their job, earn more and have more time for the things that matter most. In this lesson, we delve into more mindset shifts that are ESSENTIAL as it relates to Creating with Consistent Confidence in your business to produce a profit that sustains you and your family. Also covered in this lesson are the fears, self-sabotaging beliefs and subconscious programming that prevents you from leveraging your Incredible Factor.
Lesson #3 Make a POWERFUL Shift in the way you work in your passion
More often than not, solopreneurs and small business owners are not focused on profit producing activities and as a result everything is suffering. When you learn how to shift to doing only what is important based on your stage in business, you will invite a shift that will lead to earning more each month. This lesson also explores delegating and outsourcing your business.
Lesson #4 Create Your Ideal Client Profile & Strategize Your HUG (Hot Undeniable Gift) for the marketplace)
In this lesson, I will teach you exactly how to find your ideal clients who are ready to purchase your solution to their pressing problem and pain point. I will breakdown in detail the 5 questions you must answer to be clear on who you serve. In this lesson we will also build your HUG (Hot Undeniable Gift) Your Incredible Factor and how to strategize your unique positioning within the marketplace by developing your compelling marketing message which will motivate prospective clients to work with you. You must learn what makes you unique, why you are the ONLY choice to solve their problem. We will spend time highlighting exactly what benefits and results you offer to your clients.
Lesson #5 Build an Authentic Profit Producing Brand
You are a brand. Period. You must become a Profit Producing Brand. If you do not create an authentic brand, not only will others not know you, but your HUG will go unused and the world will not be ready to go to their next level. I walk you through in detail the components of an authentic profit producing brand.
Lesson #6 Create Your Passion Plan & Portfolio
In this lesson, I show you how to create marketing materials that bring your ideal client to you. There's no need to beg; they will be asking you "When can we get started?" When you learn how to speak to your ideal client, they will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame...
Lesson #7 Create, Price and Package Your Products and Services
Right now, you have a product or service that is incredible. The problem is you've not learned how to present it to your ideal client in a manner that gets them to take note and make a purchase. In this lesson, we will take full inventory of your services, what you offer, what you know and we will turn them into irresistible programs, packages and systems that will make your ideal clients eager to work with you. We will also review your market positioning and discuss how to price your offerings so they sell themselves and get money deposited into your checking account on a daily basis.
Lesson #8 Perform Your Passion - getting where your clients are in an INCREDIBLY MASSIVE Way
People buy from those they know like and trust. I will show you how to maximize every opportunity to develop relationships and build clients for life. We will get you out where your clients are and minimize the busy work you do sitting in your office.
Lesson #9 The Keys to Closing An Incredible Sale - using this system, my clients are converting over 80% of prospects into paying clients!
You can market all day and all night but unless you know how to close the sale, it may be useless. I will provide you with step-by-step instruction that will help you make more prospects your paying clients. I hope you are ready to turn your passion into profit!
Lesson #10 Get Your Profit Producing Systems in Place
When you learn to systematize every aspect of your business, you will take the guess work out of what does and doesn't work to bring in new clients. Good systems run with little or no effort and your phone will ring frequently with new clients, allowing you to never have to worry about clients again. Additionally, outsourcing and delegating all work except for working with you clients and marketing to attract more clients is key if you want to experience growth and financial success. If your vision is only big enough that you can do EVERYTHING, you are playing small.

How quickly can I expect to see results?
Naturally, you results will be contingent on your determination, commitment level and implementation. That said, all of my clients report back to me within a few months (if that long) about the results they are seeing in their business. Which include increased confidence, more clarity of vision, identifying their ideal client, attracting more paying clients, booking new speaking engagements, creating new products and services, establishing systems, increasing event attendance, expanding their network, new strategic alliances, and much more. Again, you can see client testimonials here.

How can I make sure that I leverage my Incredible Factor and begin to increase my income?
Quite simply, do all of your assignments and field work. If you fully focus on leveraging your Incredible Factor you will see manifestation. By committing to the process and understanding that this is not a "get rich quick" scheme but a dedicated system to improving your business success and it can take time to first clear the ground and prepare the soil where you will plant all the seeds that when watered with work, positive attitude and commitment will produce a harvest so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Will I recover the investment that I make to work with you in your coaching programs?
Without a doubt, yes! By investing in my Incredible Factor Coaching Programs you are not only investing in clarifying your passion, purpose and profits but also marketing, mindset and empowerment. These will lead you to MORE - you will be more, do more and have more clients, systems, income, clarity, impact and success in your life.

Many of my clients have recovered their investment by just attracting two to three paying clients, creating a new product, producing a live event, etc. I want you to determine what is a new client worth to you? AND what would it be worth to learn how to make more money in a month that you ever thought possible. With systems, strategies and solutions it is possible. I show you how and if you commit to implementing what you learn, you will see results.

Working with me privately or through any of my group programs or products is a series of breakthroughs that will unleash the Incredible Factor in your life and business and produce growth faster than you've ever thought possible. You will receive the resources and the step by step instruction to make it happen. Here's what you are investing in - results, revenue, more clients, personal growth and development and systems that work.

Darnyelle, based on everything that I've read and heard about you, I am clear that you are exactly what I need to go to my next level, what are my options for getting started with you?
Congratulations! That's Great, contact me directly via my website http://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com_coaching_consult_form or call my office 888.801.5794.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Get Proactive - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Coach

I think if you surveyed 100 people, they'd all agree that a successful business woman is a visionary. She is able to clearly articulate who she is, the value she adds and pool the resources to turn her vision into a reality. She effectively creates a team and shares her vision and empowers the team to execute her vision. She is clearly proactive and focused on doing her best work and influencing the lives of others in a tremendous way.

Sadly, most business owners that I come into contact today for one reason or another, have become reactive in their businesses. They’ve forgotten the vision or they’ve allowed their vision to take a backseat to excuses. They are no longer focused on ensuring that their vision starts a movement and that their products and services change lives, they are instead engaged and engulfed in survival mode…because of the economy, because resources are scarce, because they can’t attract new clients, and the list goes on and on.

At what point is enough enough? At what point do you recall the vision and stop reacting to what’s going on around you and instead start proactively doing what you know that you were created to do? Your Incredible Factor – your secret sauce, your signature business move, your unique selling proposition which allows you to stand out in the crowd is not a reaction to what’s happening in the marketplace. It is a solution, a proactive inference, into what one needs to solve major problems and enjoy the life they desire. Your ideal clients NEED your Incredible Factor. You know that! I’m not telling you anything new.

So why don’t you start acting like it? I know why. Because you start each day watching the news and you see all the destruction and negative messages the media want to plant into your mind. You’ve let them convince you that everyone’s business is suffering despite the truth that new millionaires are being born every day. They’ve got you convinced that your dream is just that and you need to get a job. But let me be clear: Businesses that are proactive are flourishing and will always flourish because their mindsets are focused on what’s must be done to serve others in a big way.

Repeat after me: I am positively expecting great results in my business no matter what I see in front of me.

With this one proactive statement, you can declare a movement and shift from what you see right now to what you see in your heart as the reason why you went into business in the first place. Here’s how:

1. See the Incredible – take some time, go to a quiet place and visualize what you desire for your business. What is your mission statement? Why do you exist? Why do people need your products and services? What products and services do you have planned to deliver in the next year? 3 years? 5 years? That will solve their problems. Who will you enlist to help you spread your movement? To become proactive in your business again, it will take vision.

2. Write the Incredible. Do yourself a favor and get a journal and write it down in positive, present tense. Write it all down. Every plan, every thought that will add values to the lives of others. Just dump your heart onto the pages and you envision your business as the strong, viable solution it was created to be in the marketplace. Remember, what gets attended to gets done. List the problems each product will solve in the marketplace. To become proactive in your business again, you will have to write your goals down. Doing so, will hold you accountable.

3. Attract the Incredible – shift your circle of influence. Join a mastermind with a qualified leader, hire a business coach, review your current associations and if they are not adding value and increasing your proactivity, cut them lose.

4. Plan the Incredible – after your written it down and shifted your circle of influence, it’s time to create a plan of action so that you can begin to proactively forecast each step it will take to get your business back on track. Your business coach will be able to actively assist you with this step.

5. Unleash the incredible – take action. Pass Go, collect $200 go immediately to the action steps that include full implementation of your plan. To become proactive in your business, it will take massive action. You must unleash with positive force and consistent action what you know must be done to change the lives of more people than you are currently serving.

6. Repeat as needed to stay proactive in your business. It matters very little what is going on around you when you are clear on what you must do to serve others in a big way.
Here’s to a proactive business model that serves your ideal clients in an Incredible way!

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Get FREE so your Incredible Factor can THRIVE - Darnyelle A. Jervey

One of the consistent problems I see entrepreneurs attempting to work through is what I will call "getting free." Getting free is essentially the process of eliminating all activities or distractions that prevents your Incredible Factor from solving your ideal client's problems in the marketplace. This could be completing daily tasks that should be delegated to someone else. It could be working in an environment that is not conducive to success. It could be spending time with people who do not add value to you or your business goals. It could be ineffectively acting inauthentic or preventing your true self, purpose and passions from shining through in your business.

I've been there in my own business. I sent my Pink Cadillac back to Mary Kay Cosmetics in April of 2008 because I wanted to live my own dream by creating my mindset, marketing and empowerment firm for women yet; you could come to my house (up until September 6, 2010) and see remnants of my last career and each time I walked past, I got disgusted because my past was still in my present. Don't get me wrong, Mary Kay was an amazing experience, one that I think every woman who desires to understand the fundamentals of confidence and business acumen in a supportive environment should pursue. My challenge was that I would look at the full product display and get sidetracked from the important tasks that needed to be completed in my current and thriving business. (sidebar – I wouldn’t be distracted for long, I’d handle my business BUT its presence was a constant source of distraction and distaste every time I walked by and that was every day.)

Now it would have been easy to get my assistant to break down the displays and such but I didn't because I wasn't really ready to get free. Free from the distraction. Free from the good times. Free from the success. Free from what I thought was failure because I walked away from a perfectly viable business. Maybe I’d go back if it didn’t work out – I was bound and unable to give my all to this new, exciting, passion and purpose filled business.

Honestly, allowing the evidence that I was once a successful Pink Cadillac driving sales director in Mary Kay made me feel important. Did you hear that? Made ME feel. Yes, that's EGO all the way. Ego keeps you trapped in a place that does not want you to grow and succeed. Ego didn't want me to get free from the decision to leave a perfectly good business with a sound marketing plan to start my own business where I had nothing at its inception. You see, perhaps you've felt like I did and as a result your results are suffering because you are bound, bound to someone else's expectation for your business or perhaps your own. It's hard to focus on what is most important when your mind and space are cluttered with outside influences that are not enhancing the experiences of your ideal clients.

So how do you get free, Darnyelle? Well, I'm happy to share what worked for me when I finally did it. I got free.

1. Forget the past; it is over. Good, bad or indifferent, it's done. You can't go back there so free yourself from the clutter and move on. I acknowledged and owned the success I enjoyed while in Mary Kay and now I allow that success to keep me focused on the success of my current business. Clearly if I did it once, I can do it again. I believe that when you get sick and tired of looking at your past and do something about it, you can become the change you desire to see in your business. When your EGO flairs up (and it will) simply remind it that your past is the past for a reason; you stopped that business, ended that relationship, etc for a distinct reason. You have to get tired of telling yourself the stories that keep the past alive for you and when you do, you open yourself up to invite an Incredible future into your experience one that is filled with new products and services and creativity to grow to a new level.
2. Realign to your values, goals and vision for your business- a realignment is always good to assess, especially when you feel clutter impending your business success. I suggest revisiting your business and marketing plans and ensuring that they are sound. As I realigned my goals and completed my 2011-2013 strategic plan, I realized that the display had to go because I needed that space in my office to set up my recording area for all of the high content videos that I would be putting together for my lovely clients.
3. Eliminate distractions - when you get clear on the reasons why you started your business, suddenly the distractions that were once welcome will stick out like a sore thumb and begin to wreak havoc on your business. I made, dare I say it, a non-negotiable goal that I would focus on what I wanted to grow and eliminate all else and that included finally taking down the displays. I must say my basement (the location of my home office) is much bigger than I remember and I'm excited about the changes I will make with the space to grow my business.
4. Expect to shift - when you get free, I mean really free, you can expect a shift to occur in your mindset, in the way you work in your business and in the tolerance of future distractions that you allow to impede your progress. Somehow I think you will be like me and shift the way you work which will invite new clients, new products and services and new energy into your small business.

When you get FREE - your business will thrive, which means your life will thrive. Here's to getting free!

Want to reprint this article? You may by ensuring that you include the following at the conclusion of the article:

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Speak UP and Grow Your Business - Darnyelle A. Jervey

"You don't have to see the entire staircase to take the first step" is one of my favorite quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Sometimes we do not take steps to grow our business because of fear. The reason you started your business was because of your vision but your EGO stops you from making the difference you know that you were created to make. Misguidedly, you may be thinking that the only way you can gain your ideal clients is by pounding the pavement and getting referrals. While these are viable ways to grow your business it can happen much faster when you develop a marketing system to use speaking to grow your business.

Speaking helps build creditability. Your products and services give you an immediate presence in the marketplace. If you learn to leverage your presence by speaking about your business, your presence will grow and your ideal clients will come to find you and begin to work directly with you. In fact, I encourage you to take every opportunity to share information about your business.

Go to your local Chamber of Commerce and ask to speak at their meetings. In the last year, I spoke at five different Chamber events and each speaking engagement resulted in major contracts. Your ideal clients are attending Chamber events and they are looking for a solution to the problem they have right now. I'd also recommend seeking out other networking groups via They are always looking for speakers to come in and share their expertise. The key is to ensure that you add value, very high value, so that the participants are learning how they can benefit from your Incredible Factor. I recommend researching the nature of the group you are seeking out to speak to and verify that your ideas clients are there. Sometimes it is a great idea to pick up the phone and talk to the meeting organizer in advance of sending a proposal to be a speaker. Another suggestion, if the group allows open visitors is to attend and meet everyone in person. If you do, remember the article "You Only Get 30 Seconds," so you can be sure to maximize your introduction to the key leaders of the networking group.

It can be a challenge to funnel all of your knowledge and expertise into a well crafter signature talk that adds value and attracts your ideal clients. I'd love to share some of my pointers with you to get you to make sure that attendees see you as the only solution to the problems they are currently experiencing. Here are a few tips:

Start by pulling them in
Remember those pull marketing questions I shared with you a few weeks back? Engage your audience immediately by letting them know that you've got the solution to their problem and the best way to do that is with a powerful leading questions that grabs them immediately and clearly say, 'I know what you need and I'm here to demonstrate that I'm the solution."

Begin with the End in mind
This principle is taken from Stephen Covey's The 7 habits of highly Effective People and adapted to make sure that your signature talk is dazzling and does exactly what you intend for it to do. The power of intention and visualization of the over all theme and message you want to leave with the listeners is key here. Start your speech with the ending in mind. What is the purpose of your message? Once you have this definitive point prepared as an objective, it should drive all else beneath it. Please be sure that each of your objectives (3 to 5) are measurable, have a time frame, and are absolutely easily to attain.

Share testimonials from satisfied clients
Case studies and testimonials help your listeners to see you as the solution to the problem. It also helps them to find a place to identify with people that you've helped previously. You always want to weave these stories into your message to sell who you are and how you help your ideal clients without being a used car salesman. It will take skill to do this so practice offering a key point and illustrating by telling a client success story to drive home the value of having the information to resolve the problem the objective references.

Repeat what's essential that they take away
Remember, repetition is the mother of skill. Key learning objectives should be repeated in a few different ways so that your listeners can be clear that you can help them solve their problem. It also helps to solidify in each listeneers mind that you are clear at what you do and how you can help.

Give high value content
The whole reason you are speaking to the group is because you have high value information to share with them that can help them to get closer to solving a problem. Be sure that you don't "fluff" your way through the talk but instead offer insight that truly shows off your expertise. Using statistics and a few significant steps that can lead to solving a problem is also key. Trust me, fluff will get you know where but high value, high content information will turn prospects into paying clients.

Smile and incite laughter
You're probably going to be tense if you're not a professional speaker. Tell a related joke, be yourself and show your fun side. Loosen up. No one wants to work with a stick in the mud. Remember, 1 minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. Your Incredible Factor is magnetic and engaging, be sure that your communication style reflects that. You want your ideal clients to know that not only will you solve their problem, but you will have a good time while you're doing it!

Offer a powerful Call to Action and Irresistible Offer

Remember the reason why you are speaking: to build your business. And although you will not be a used car salesman, your goal is to ensure that your ideal clients know how they can learn more about working directly with you. You want to ensure that you offer a powerful call to action - give them a task to complete, the next step to take so that they can get the full solution to their problem. Please note: Although you MUST offer a high value, high content presentation, you should not solve their problem during your free talk. You must invoke a reaction and a need to learn more. If you have a product that can aid the listeners, offer it in an irresistible way, so that they feel that because you gave all this value, they must continue the experience by taking you home with them.

Thank the audience and follow up
You've heard it said that the "fortune is in the follow up." Be sure to pass a clip board to collect names and email addresses for your mailing list to keep them abreast of future events, products and services. Add them immediately so that they can get into your auto responder series and get to know you better. Send a thank you card to the meeting organizers soliciting feedback to be used as a testimonial to help you speak to more groups in the future. Some won't buy on the spot, but if you follow up with them, they will learn more and become a client if you've done your job correctly.

You see, speaking to build your business just got a little bit easier.

Be Incredible,

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Quantum Leap in Business" visit

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You Only Get 30 Seconds, is Your Incredible Factor Ready? - Darnyelle A. Jervey

Well, actually a recent study showed that you actually only get 4.2 seconds to illustrate your competence in a networking situation. Or, if you are on twitter for business, you only get 140 characters. The person with whom you desire to network will look you up and down and based on your appearance or if your starting the dialogue online the appearance of your website, blog, profile on social media, etc, they will determine if they are interested in learning more or if they are ready to turn and walk away or click off your website, etc. In fact studies show that your influencing power during that first exchange is viewed like this: 55% is based on your appearance (live or virtual) – what you are wearing, how it looks, your hair, nails, shoes, etc or the appearance of your website, colors, copy content, etc; 38% is based on the tone of your voice and your non-verbal behavior – are you hunched over, arms crossed, frowning, etc or video on your home page, etc and 7% is based on the actual words that proceed out of your mouth. Although the 7% may seem like it is slim to none, it is extremely important that you tame the tongue and develop a positive message to share with the people with whom you will interact. Your business success depends on it.

So, how exactly will you spend your thirty seconds? I’ve got a suggestion that will help you to ensure that the time that you speak about the Incredible Factor in your business is time that leads to results and people wanting to know more about how they can spend time in your space.

1. “I work with…” (insert your well developed client profile). Your client profile should be in a well defined niche so that people can immediately determine if they or someone they know falls into the group of people with whom you work and solve the problems of.
2. “Who struggle with…” (here, insert the problem that they are at the point of paying for a solution to) It’s important to get crystal clear on the problem that your Incredible Factor solves in the marketplace. Without it, no one is going to take action and desire to work with you.
3. “And want to…” (here, put the results that you help your ideal clients achieve over and over again. These results should be illustrated via testimonials on your website or verbal examples if asked.)
4. “I’m different from other ______ because I…” (list your direct competitors here based on your industry and explain your HUG (Hot Undeniable Gift) also known as your USP – Unique Selling Proposition)
5. “In working with me, my clients receive…” (here list one of the 4 key motivators that your Incredible Factor offers your clients – make more money, save more money, save time, reduce effort)
6. “Is there any reason why you wouldn’t like to learn more?” Close the introduction with a question to determine if they or someone they know needs your Incredible Factor to solve a problem for them right now.

If you are dressed appropriately, accessorized accordingly, are smiling and exuding positive energy as you work the room, not the refreshment table, and when asked that magic question, “So, _____, what do you do?” you respond as I’ve indicated above, you will begin to attract more of your ideal clients and be offered an opportunity to learn more about them while you show them how you can solve the problem that they are ready, willing and able to pay for a solution to right now.

It’s incredible isn’t it?

©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Quantum Leap in Business" visit

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I've got a Problem with Your Incredible Factor - Darnyelle A. Jervey

Can we just agree to be real for a minute? I know when people ask you "how's business," you grin and bear and through clenched teeth you manage to get out, "Business is great, thanks for asking."

Really? If business is so great then why oh why are you looking for a job? Why are you beginning to question if you made a sound decision when you walked away to live your dream? If business was so great, you'd have a consistent stream of clients, systems and back end infrastructure and you'd be enjoying more time with your family while money was deposited into your bank account each day. But that's not what's happening is it?

Since we're being honest, let's just go ahead and put it out there that you've got a problem, a big problem. And, if you don't get help in fixing it soon, your problem will be you having to say, "What business, I work for (insert the name of the major corporation in your city.) We can agree that you are brilliant and when you share your products and services lives are changed. But the problem is you are a best kept secret for at least 5 reasons.

1. The first problem with your Incredible Factor is that you don't have a clue who your ideal clients are. You are distorted and convoluted enough to actually believe that you can help everyone. And as a result, you have a problem. To fix this problem, you must create your ideal client profile and get clear on the RESULTS and BENEFITS, not processes and steps, that you give your clients. Your Incredible Factor solves a major problem in the marketplace. People cannot do what they were created to do without your product or service. But who are those people?

2. The second problem with your Incredible Factor is that you are not consistently marketing your products and services from a results oriented, compelling marketing position to your now identified ideal clients. You can be the best in your field BUT if no one knows it, you will be the best in your field without clients, income and freedom. Talk about a problem! To solve this problem, you MUST shift the way you work in your business. If you are not focused on working with clients and attracting new clients EVERY DAY, you want to start focusing on that. In fact, you should spend approximately 2-4 hours each day on your marketing plan, strategies and implementation.

3. The third problem with your Incredible Factor is that you are under-valuing it. That's right I said it. In fear and lack, you are pricing yourself way too low to attract your ideal clients. So what you get instead are clients who drain you and frustrate you and make you think about just getting a job. In fact, if you keep going at the rate you are going, charging peanuts for what you do - which by the way is BRILLIANT, you will be back in the work force faster than you can say "defining and unleashing your Incredible Factor."

4. Another problem with your Incredible Factor is that you've been duped into believing you should be doing everything that must be done in your business yourself. You think that because you can't afford it, you should just do it, right. WRONG. You can't afford not to create systems, delegate and outsource if you truly want to grow. To fix this problem, you must begin to delegate everything that does not earn your money, period. I learned during my Mary Kay tenure that you should focus on what you want to get bigger. I'm not sure about you but I don't want my filing cabinet to get bigger. I don't need a bigger toilet either. If you can pay someone $10 to $80 an hour so that you can be free to go make $200 an hour, what's the problem?

5. The last problem we will cover today with your Incredible Factor is that you are naive enough to believe that you don't need to surround yourself with people who've already achieved the level of success you desire. That's right, you think because you are brilliant, which you are, you can handle it all by yourself. Have you read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill? He followed 500 millionaires to learn the success habits that they employed. You know what one of the common denominators was? They all had high level mentors and "coaches" and mastermind groups to keep them focused, on track and to stretch themselves to reach a new level. To solve this problem, get out of your own way. Your Incredible Factor AND all the lives you were created to change will continue to suffer if you don't solve your problem. You become like the 5 people with whom you spend your time. Your seed is growing in an environment that may very well be stunting its growth. Kill the weeds (Incredible SNATCHERS) and put down more fertilizer (Mastermind groups and coaches)

So now that I've told you the problem I have with you, what are you going to do about it? To apply for a get acquainted session to learn how I can solve all of these problems and ones you didn't even realize you have, visit

Another way you can solve these problems is to get your hands on my new Home Study System, From Passion to Profit featuring the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System. It is 10 proven steps to give you mindset, marketing, systems and empowerment strategy to turn your passion into a sure enough profit so that you can enjoy the life your Incredible Factor was created to live. For more details, visit

Want to reprint this article? You may by ensuring that you include the following at the conclusion of the article:
©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC and the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System ® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Quantum Leap in Business" visit

Friday, July 9, 2010

Focus on Your Focus Friday

Focus on Your Focus Friday: What you think about expands. Think with power, energy and passion about exactly what you want to expand in your life. Want more clients, want more money, want to attract your soul mate, want a deeper personal relationship and connection with God? FOCUS. When you focus and segment intent that which you want, you will create an environment that rises up to give you that very thing.

Quick example: I attended a women's networking event last night. I was talking to a friend just before entering and I told him that I was going to win a prize. Sounds simple and innocent right? Well, my expectancy was set. And when it was time for the door prizes, I focused through the power of intention on the prizes that I wanted to win. I won a travel pillow - which is so cute and extra soft (perfect for all the time I spend on a plane or train) and I won a 1 hour massage, yum! Just before each of those prizes were given away via drawing, I clearly with power, energy and passion spoke, "This is my prize," and wouldn't you know it, I won each of them. (Now, I forgot to mention that there were two different drawing for which I entered) but you get the point.

Focus today on exactly what you want and will it to come your way by shifting your mind, speaking it with authority and believing that it is already done.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is the Incredible Factor Coach, she works with clients who are tired of playing small, ready to be big, do big and have big in their life and business. She defines and unleashes their Incredible Factor positioning them for more clients, more income and more freedom to live a big life. For more information, or your FREE audio "How to use Your Incredible Factor to Quantum Leap Your Life & Business" visit,

Be Incredible, Darnyelle

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fight the FEAR Friday - Darnyelle A. Jervey

Today's thought: Let's shift your mindset about FEAR today. FEAR - Fights Every Alternative to Reality. Fear is futuristic. Instead of concerning yourself with what might happen, (many spends hours upon hours talking themselves out of what they know they should be doing because they think that maybe someone will reject them, etc) Stop yourself self-doubt and fear in it's tracks by doing that which you are afraid of and see what actually does happen. Trust me, it will be much better than you thought and you can learn to consistently fight fear - a powerful skill. A skill that will translate into significant productivity lifts to grow your business and life.

Be Incredible,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Think Big Thursday - Darnyelle A. Jervey

Today's thought: If you desire to have something different, you've got to put positive energy and BIG thoughts behind it. You have to fight for your dream by thinking BIG, acting BIG and making BIG decisions that facilitate the growth you desire to see. Remember, God doesn't give you BIG thoughts to taunt you, He gives you BIG thoughts to show you where you can go if you commit to doing the work.

Be Incredible,

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Walk it Out Wednesday - Darnyelle A. Jervey

Happy Walk it Out Wednesday. Today, I have one radical thought for you. Why not walk as if everything will go right, exactly as planned and work in your favor? In my PACE Method (r) I describe in detail the principles of an enthusiastic expectation.

"Expect great things and great things will happen." Mary Kay Ash

We spend way too much time in fear...assuming that the outcome is going to be less favorable. But there is no evidence to support that thought process. So today, Walk it Out Wednesday, walk as if all is well. Actually, it IS well.

How would your life change if today, you worked and walked like what you desire to do is already a success?

Be Incredible,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Take Action Tuesday - Darnyelle A. Jervey

Today's Message, June 29, 2010 Take Action Tuesday.

The biggest difference between 6 and 7 figure earners and those who do not earn at that level is implementation. When your mindset traps you into spending too much time thinking about doing something instead of actually getting it done, it will cost you money, clients and freedom. Your Incredible Factor needs to implement product and service offerings at a level that encourages people to allow you to solve their problems. Stop thinking about what should be done next....just do it. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect but it does have to get done. Your ideal clients want an experience with you; they don't care if you stumble during the CD you are recording to highlight a new way to solve their problem....Take Action Today.

Be Incredible,

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mind Over Matter Monday!

Today's message for Monday, June 28, 2010. Mind Over Matter Monday - When what's on your mind connects and agrees with what's in your heart, there is nothing stopping you from doing your thing - that BIG thing that you can't stop thinking about. Today, take five minutes, regardless of what it looks like and tell your head that today your heart will call the shots. You will not be fearful but in faith you will get to work. Then go forth, you know exactly what you need to do.
Be Incredible,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Prevent Your Incredible Factor From Being Stranded - Darnyelle A. Jervey

As I mentioned in my weekly e-zine, The Incredible Factor, as I returned from my 10 day Mexican paradise, I found myself stranded....Yes, stranded, with our first flight delayed by an hour, our flight back into the US couldn't wait for us and we wandered from representative to representative for 3 hours before someone finally took ownership for the error made by the airline and helped us.

Durin this time, some of us on the journey were becoming frustrated. Some of us, our energy was spent. Me, I remained cool because my Incredible Factor focuses on things I can control and lets others control those things that I can't. That's right, I made lemonade with my fresh Mexican lemons. Did it suck, sure. But what could I do, except heighten the situation and help those who didn't help not want to help because I was upset, yelling, uncompromising?

Maybe you've found yourself in a predicament a time or two where you've felt stranded. Your hands were tied; you couldn't alter the outcome on your own and maybe you didn't respond like I had. Maybe you got frustrated, maybe you yelled...maybe

To help you going forward protect the integrity of your Incredible Factor - your Brand, allow me to share a few powerful tips with you.

S - Stay calm; allow yourself to focus on what YOU can do to improve the situation. (Be positive, add value)

T - Take as many deep breaths as needed to center yourself and shift your negative energy to positive life affirming energy. Remember the Law of Attraction - your thoughts (good or bad) become things...being upset can prolong your condition.

R - Reaffirm who you are and speak boldly that everything will work out. I kept saying that over and over....and guess what it did...we were on a flight to Miami and all was well....

A - Always be accurate. Ensure that you do not fabricate the facts in a heightened situation doing so questions your integrity because you know the truth and it can not have the affect on those attemtping to serve you during the altercation.

N - Notice your surroundings; you never know where your next client will be...I met a Dr from the Bay Area in the airport and she and I are having a chat next week on how she can benefit from having a life coach - Sidebar - your Incredible Factor is always working; be ready. Now if I was yapping angrily and yelling do you think I'd have been able to set up that meeting? Not even as good as I am would I!

D - Decide to remain calm; everything in life is a decision. Decide that getting upset will not serve anyone but yourself and your Incredible Factor was created to serve others. Even in our errors, we (others) deserve to be respected.

E - Escape negativity. When you are traveling with others who become negative, walk away or hold your tongue. Remember what you speak about you bring about. Your delay may be extended just because you jumped in while your partners in crime were badgering others or talking about how they thought the situation is going to play out: "They're never going to fix this in time, we're going to be stuck here." Trust me, hold your tongue - life and death is in it.

D - Do express gratitude at every turn. Maybe the delay is truly working in your grateful for everything that comes your will shift your mindset and enhance your Incredible Factor.

If this seems far fetched for you, maybe a life coach can help you find the balance to minimize stress in your life. Maybe....

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC for more information or to receive her weekly marketing, branding and mindset empowerment E-zine, The Incredible Factor, register at
(c) 2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Get Your Incredible Factor Back in the Game - Darnyelle A. Jervey

Part 2 in the series on how to prevent fear from blocking your Incredible Factor

Are you watching the NBA Play-offs? Are you excited to see the Lakers and the Celtics battle to the end? Has the renewal of the age-old rivalry gotten you excited? Just as there's lots of pass interference in basketball, there is pass interference in your life and business. This week's Incredible Factor Article is all about Pass Interference. Please note I'm aware that "pass interference" is a football term....but work with me! In the spirit of the NBA Finals, I got to thinking....

How many times have you interfered with passing your product or service on to your prospect because FEAR crept into the conversation just as it was time to make your pitch? How many times have you come to a screeching halt because you didn't want to seem salesy, although you knew your prospect needed what you've got to offer? When was the last time you had the perfect line prepared but decided they wouldn't think you were authentic and instead went against your gut and intent and left with the very product or service you declared you'd sell?

Pass Interference is nothing more than letting the fear of going out of bounds keep you from playing the game. (Of course you know I had to keep with the basketball theme! Pass interference is the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of talking to new peopl.e, the fear of making a's got to stop. You are blocking yourself. Typically pass interference involves another player, but you Incredible One are interfering in your success all by your lonesome. That's right, The only one who can change your situation is you.

Well, as promised, I've got some strategies that will help you to stop interfering with passing your product or service onto your ideal client. Yes, ideal client. if you are attempting to pass to someone who is not your ideal cleint, they will not accept the pass, so...

First up... Get clear on who your ideal client is. This has nothing to do with fear per se, but it is a necessity if you want to score points and win the game of growing your business. Despite popular belief, you cannot help every and anybody. There is an exact, specific profile of your ideal client. See the blog from last week for more information on how to do that.

Now on to eliminating Pass Interference:

1. Determine the root cause of the block. What is really holding you back? What limiting belief or self-sabotaging thought has infiltrated the game? Is is fear of rejection - you've gotten so worked up that you believe that they will reject you and so you go sit on the bench?

2. Think of a time when you thought you'd be rejected but you pressed through it, completed the task and in the end you weren't rejected. In fact, you were embraced and loved on. How does recalling that time make you feel? How will reminding yourself of that time help you face this fear today?

3. Ask yourself, "Where is the evidence that I will be rejection if I share my Incredible Factor with my ideal client?" Write down ONLy concrete evidence. Are you surprised to see that there is no evidence?

4. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and repeat after me: "I am a gift to the world. My ideal client needs my products and services to live their best, authentic life. I am in service to others and therefore living my passion when I own my incredible and share it with those whom I serve.

5. Visualize the exchange the way you intend for it to go. Be clear on each detail and speak in positive, present tense. This will allow you to act as if it has already happened.

6. Write down each benefit others will receive from your product or service.

7. Remind yourself that "no" simply means "next." As I've heard it said for many years, one monkey will never stop the show. One player fouls out and the game goes on.

8. Take a deep breath and repeat again, "I am a gift to the world. My ideal client needs my products and services to live their best, authentic life. I am in service to others and therefore living my passion when I own my incredible and share it with those whom I serve."

9. If you can't let the fear go, feel it, acknowledge it but refuse to allow the fear of going out of bounds and fouling out of the game keep you from playing.

10. Do it anyway....period.

Repeat as needed

(c) 2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved.

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a life & business coach, committed to imparting skills, strategies and solutions to define and unleash the Incredible in you. Darnyelle coaches on marketing, mindset, movement, branding strategy and empowerment to prepare her clients to share their gift for the world.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pass Interference: What's Blocking Your Incredible Factor? Darnyelle A. Jervey

Part 1 in the series on how to prevent fear from blocking your Incredible Factor.

Okay, I'm the first to admit that I love some basketball... with the Lakers and the Celtics (the ultimate rivalry revisited) going on now, I'm loving it. There's just something about the play offs....You know the object of the game, use defense to minimize the other team from scoring, in offense get to the basket by any means necessary.... you know, score the points, make it happen. Please note that I'm aware that "pass interference" is a football term, but work with me...

What is the offensive strategy of your Incredible Factor? How do you endeavor to turn a prospect into a client? What, if anything is stiopping you from getting to the whole - making the prospect a client and offering a full range of products and services to meet their every need?

When we take this same approach and apply it to business, our goal becomes get the product or service in the hand of our ideal client by any means necessary. We must articulate our value and the results we provide by any means necessary so that they will see us as the only option with which to do business. Unfortunately, more often than not, we get blocked. As we begin to set a pick and look down the court for who will receive our pass, we get plagued by fear and as a result, we get caught off guard and the pass is blocked - interference presents us from being able to effectively close the sale and we are left holding the product that we so needed to leave with our prospect. No foul, no shot. sent packing to nurse our wounds.

Many get caught up in the hype of the game - the pursuit, the goal fresh in our mind, yet constantly stopped by the opponent.... lacking an effective strategy to turn a prospect into a paying client.

For many of my clients over the past couple of weeks, the opponent to which I refer include FEAR, lack of confidence and unbelief in the worthiness of a new client who is ready to pay what they are worth. I'm blessed to work with some pretty incredible clients. They've got talent, they are changing lives, yet they are afraid of what would happen if they really lived their dream and changed the lives of many. They invoke self-sabotage; they are the proponents of the pass interference they experience when attempting to pass their product to a new client. The fear they feel has the tendency to BLOCK their Incredible Factor. It is difficult to perform at a level that says "I'm Incredible," when you are afraid that who you are will be compromised in the transfer.

It's not enough to believe that what you've got the world needs. You must take that initial thought and back it with effective strategy and dream team talent (coach, VA, interns, supportive circle of influence, etc) to get into the game. Your Incredible Factor is a holistic approach to not only identying your gift and passion, identifying who needs it and developing the marketing, mindset and movement to ensure that others understand that they need your Incredible Factor.

What's blocking your Incredible Factor? When you lack the confidence to look ahead and begin to develop an effective plan for mitigating the voices in your head that are attempting to talk you out of your birthright, you will get blocked, the pass will not be complete you will be left holding the product.

Today, take some time to identify what's really blocking your Incredible Factor. Giving it a name - FEAR - is it fear of rejection, fear of success, fear of making a mistake? Whatever its called, it needs to exit stage left. It's got to go. Your clients are waiting for you. Stay tuned for my next post on ways to STOP Pass Interference allowing you to successfully get down the court and slam dunk everytime, converting more prospects into clients and getting closer to living the life of your dreams.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is the founder and CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, a full service empowerment firm committed to imparting skills, strategies and solutions to define and unleash the Incredible in you through coaching, keynotes, seminars and workshops. For more information, visit

(c) 2010 Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Do You Know Who Your Incredible Factor is Ideal For? - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Coach, Speaker, Author

When it comes to starting your business marketing efforts, it’s very important to realize two very important truths. Number one, marketing is the oxygen of your business. Truthfully, you are not in the business you think that you are in; you are actually in the business of marketing – marketing your products and services, that is. And secondly, if you do not get clear on who you are marketing your products and services to, you will not benefit immensely in your business life.

As a business coach, I help my clients craft their ideal client profile by asking a series of thought-provoking questions – forcing them to look at the areas that they probably would not have otherwise thought about. Because they can’t see the big picture and their mindsets hinder their ability to achieve business growth and success and every time, they get BIG results….The result…every time is a concise encapsulation of their one ideal client. In doing so, they gain clarity on how to communicate to their ideal client and their ideal clients appear, ready to take action on their products and services. They begin to attract and turn potential clients into paying clients over and over again.

Because I want to see your small business thrive and I know that it will when you establish your ideal client profile, I will share a few of the most important questions you must ask yourself if you truly want to grow your small business with the right clients from the start.

• Is your ideal client a man or woman?
• Does your ideal client fit into any special groups, categories or professions?
• How much money does your ideal client make?
• How many times each year does your ideal client buy products and services like those you provide?
• How much money does your ideal client spend on products and services like those you provide each year?
• What is the pain point or struggle that your ideal clients have?
• How do you take away their pain? Show results not steps

There are many more important questions to ask to craft your ideal client profile. These are just some of the very important ones. I offer my clients an entire worksheet and framework for identifying and crafting their ideal client profile. If as you read the questions suggested that you answer and felt uncomfortable or anxious, perhaps a mindset shift is necessary. Working with a coach will help you to get out of your own way and open the flood gates to the success you started your business to enjoy.

Be Incredible,

(c) Copyright 2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved.