Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5 Reasons to Develop a Brand Board

"Your brand is your word; your bond, your signature, it's your way of establishing yourself in the marketplace." Darnyelle A. Jervey

Last evening, I spoke at a NJAWBO Dinner Meeting on the topic of How to Build An Incredible Brand and it was a fabulous talk and a great bunch of ladies and a gentleman who are all ready to burn the box and establish their definitive position in the marketplace. What I realized is that so many people are unconscious about their brand and that is a big problem. How in the world are you going to be effective in your industry if you have not established your brand?

The way I see it, there are 7 steps to developing your brand; but I want to focus on only one step today and that is the planning step and the development of a brand board.

For your records, the 7 steps to building an Incredible Brand are See (the Incredible), Inspect (the Incredible), Attract (the Incredible), Speak (the Incredible), Dream (the Incredible), Plan (the Incredible) and Unleash (the Incredible).

Again, for the purpose of today's blog, I am focusing on Step 6 - Plan (the Incredible Brand). They way I see the planning process working is to recognize that writing it down gives it validity. As long as the concept stays in your mind, it has the potential to dissipate because we are bombarded with thoughts every second of every day that come and go as quickly as they came or went. But what gets attended to gets done so if we take the time to write down what we want our brand to represent, it is more likely to occur.

The key to an Incredible brand is strategic thought-provoking concepts and images that clearly articulate the personification of your brand. So for all intents and purposes, the planning process of building an Incredible brand Will be realize via a branding board.

Not to be confused with a vision board, a brand board is similar and equally important to the purpose minded person, that is whether you run your own company or work in someone else's company but have a vested interest in ensuring that the image your portray speaks to the brand you are establishing for yourself.

We all know that our thoughts become things and the things that we think about and/or visualize happen in our lives whether we focus on them or not. So if we strategically use that energy in our favor the production of our brand will be Incredible!

Now, here's the thing: branding starts in your mind. In the conception phase of brand development, your thoughts create power and power is transformed into the representation of who you are and/or want to be viewed as in the marketplace. Also remember that branding is personal; you cannot find someone else's brand and copy it because then it is not authentic and people will be able to see right through that. You must follow the 7 steps to building an Incredible Brand and find your message, because you alone have a message that is yours and yours alone. Truthfully, if I try to steal someone else's brand, it won't work for my anyway because what God has for you is yours and no one else can have it. At best, you can only be a good copy of someone else or you can be the original, which is worth far more when inspected for intrinsic value.

Also keep in mind, that your logo is not your brand. Your logo should be a continuation of your brand but it is not the brand itself. The development of your brand is strategic and interdependent to everything about you, the company and the product(s) that you offer. That is why this process of development is so essential to ensure that you take the time to develop a succinct concept that has longevity in the marketplace.

So, here are 5 of the reasons to build a brand board:
1. To get a clear understanding of you, your product or service. When we take the time to write down our goals, they become clearer and easier to attain. Clarity helps us to answer questions like: what do I want people to think of when they hear my name, my company's name or see my logo, business card, advertisement, etc. If you don't know the answer to this question, take the time to go through all 7 steps and at the end your brand will be clear to you. Also, ask yourself what is the one word, you want people to say resoundingly when you are brought up in conversation.

If you haven't figured it out yet, my word is....say it with me....Incredible!

2. To line up your vision for your life with what you want others to see, think or feel when they are in your presence and or thinking of you. This is where it is important that your vision board and your brand board connect. They are interdependent upon one another. You cannot have a brand without vision and if you have vision, you will most certainly have a brand.

3. To have a visual reminder of your signature to carry with you every where you go. Remember that our thoughts become things so when we visualize what we want our brand to mean to us and others, it will happen. It's the law of attraction!

4. To be a strategic representation of your company's core competencies, values and mission to serve your customer's in the best possible way. If there is no company, then how will your message be a representation of you core competencies? Remember, branding is not just for the entrepreneur. Think about it; people you know who are always late, you think of that first when you think of them and therefore tell them a time that is at least a half an hour earlier than the actual start time because their brand is to arrive tardy...right? You get my point.

5. To clearly identify the differentiation between you and others in your industry. Oftentimes the only thing that separates your from others is what your brand says about your levels of service and commitment to Incredible Customer Satisfaction. So developing a brand that speaks to all aspects of you, your company, your product or service and your reputation, is terribly important.

There are also 7 P's to make sure that your brand exemplifies:

1. Positive - I think this is pretty self explanatory. You want others to feel warm and fuzzy when they think of you, your company or see your logo.

2. Polished - So important. Think about those people who you ask at a networking event what they do and they stammer on for 20 minutes because they are not even sure! You want it to be polished and precise so that in a minutes notice, or better yet just seeing you starts to tell others about your Incredible brand.

3. Prompt - timeliness is next to Incredibleness. Enough said. okay, I will say one more thing, you brand must be on time. Customers may be late but you, never it is a sin!

4. People-oriented - You are not an island so you need to learn how to invite others into your brand. Remember we are talking about fertilizer and not weedkiller. You want to Attract the Incredible to you...they will expand your reach and build an Incredible circle of potential and influence for your brand.

5. Planned - what gets attended to gets done. Prior planning prevents poor performance.

6. Persistent - and consistent. I should see it everywhere without it feeling stalker-esque. Seriously, it needs to be pleasantly persistent and confident so that others can see the value of your brand and invest in it for themselves.

7. Powerful - power will ensure that you become the product or service of choice for those who want what you have; power is a quiet storm. You may not always hear it coming but it empowers you to be better, stronger, Incredible!

For illustration purposes, a copy of my brand board is attached.

This information is provided as a excerpt from Darnyelle's latest book, Maximizing the Incredible You, $13.95 and available now with FREE shipping by clicking here.

Darnyelle is the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises,LLC a full service empowerment firm in Newark, DE. For More Information, visit

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

5 Ways to Look Ahead!

Vision: 5 Ways to Look Ahead
"Look back...get stuck; look straight...maintain; look ahead...grow." Darnyelle A. Jervey

Where we focus our eyes means a lot; the windows to our soul have the ability and propensity to shape our existence and determine the level of success we will enjoy in our lives. Think about it. Helen Keller is quoted as saying "there is nothing more pathetic than having sight but no vision."

And vision is exactly to what I am referring today.

When you look back, your past is still dictating your life's path. Phrases like "what had happened was..., I'm this way because when I was little..., My mother and father did this to me..." When we will you stop allowing your past to speak? The past is a cancelled check; we cannot get anything for it so why are we still looking there? Please show me an example of someone who has focused on the past and increased their future's success? Exactly.

When you choose to focus your eyes right in front of you, your vision is limited because your scope and/or frame of reference is limited; how can you possibly conquer the world when all you are able to visualize is right in front of you. In these cases, you are just doing enough to get by. Nothing more, nothing less. Why in the world would the God of everything restrict your vision to just that which is right in front of you? He wouldn't His word says, 'people perish for lack of vision' (Proverbs 29:18)

But when you look ahead, get excited, your whole world comes into view and you allow the possibility of a thing to guide you along as your vision becomes your focal point. The sky truly is the limit when you believe that anything is possible. Please do not limit yourself to only look straight in front of you. Look ahead and watch the incredible things that happen.

Even as a young girl, I was always looking the next thing. My environment wasn't the most positive...we don't need to dweel on that; we've all got a story and mostly it's the same....the point is this, I didn't allow my surroundings to stifle me.I continued to look ahead. I never wanted to be defined by my situation, my promise was always my motivation to keep looking beyond what I saw right in front of me. Whatever your current circumstances, it is not forever, it is just for now so look ahead to better days and prepare yourself for the harvest that is to come.

Here's what you can do:
1. Position yourself to let the past go. It may not be easy but what that we really want ever is? If you need a coach to help you "Burn the Box", click here to contact me to schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation.

2.Make a list of the benefits of looking ahead. Knowing the pros and cons of any action helps us to solidify what we do. Why do you need to let the past go? Because it is stifling your future!

3. Make a vision board - what does your life look like? What do you want to see in your future. Remember, what gets attended to gets done so get to mapping it out.

4. Visualize yourself where you are going. Don't think about where you are right now, think about where you are going. Start each new day with gratitude and then statements that begin "Today, I see myself...."

5. Believe that anything is possible by aligning your vision with action and do it! Make a step each day toward your end result.
Be Incredible,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

There's work to be done

"If you know your purpose, you shouldn't be sitting down; that is the sign of finished work. If your purpose has been set, there's much to do." Darnyelle A. Jervey

Why in the world are you here? Have you figured it out? Have you even begun to think about what your place on this earth was secured to do? If not, I invite you to start to give it significant thought. Here's the thing, until you know why you are here, you will wander aimlessly. How will you know that you;'ve arrived at your destination if you have no clue why and when you are to go? Meandering through life is for the birds, and I believe that even the birds understand their purpose and work diligently each day in their created purpose.

So many people, because they lack definitive purpose, are straying from what they were called to do. They are trying to take the freeway and are straddling multiple lanes; all they are really doing is perpetuating a serious accident! The key is to try a lot of things while looking inward to find what you love and would do for free. I promise you that if you would do it for free, there are people who would pay you to do it for them! But that process of Inspecting the Incredible that I am talking about in just about every blog is so key to understanding your purpose and deciding which lane is yours on the freeway of life. You get to find your purpose! Get excited; it is about the realization of what makes you tick, where you feel comfortable and where your home is. It's not about what anyone else thinks that you were created to do; it's all about you....

Upon receiving the revelation, it is imperative that you acquire significant vision. Helen Keller says "there is nothing more pathetic then one who has sight yet has no vision." So, you must start to do as one of my favorite books says "begin with the end in mind." (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Covey) So, how do you propose I do that, Darnyelle. I am glad you asked. I believe in the power of visualization and thoughts that lead to the things we want in our life. Another one of my favorite books says "we have not because we ask not and if any man ask and believes and doesn't doubt that he will receive what he asked for, it shall be given to him." So, we need to put it out there exactly how we want it and I believe a great way to do that is by using a vision board. I will include a picture of mine for your review. I use a cork board, because I think it makes it easier to make updates/modifications when necessary. Remember, burn the box, gone are the days of glue sticks and arts and crafts!

With a set vision, you will help your thoughts turn into the things that you would like to have in your life. Everything on your vision board should not be materialistic, if there are things about your personality that you'd like to modify, put them on your board as well.

The key is this, find your purpose, you will find your passion and then naturally you will get busy working because it won't seem like work. You won't be found sitting down in front of the television trying to figure out what is happening on the reality show du jour, you will be busy working, walking into your vision and realizing that there is much to do becauce your purpose has been set and people need what you were created to do.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a sought after speaker, author and consultant aptly deemed the Burn the Box Coach dedicated to the empowerment of others. For more information, visit her website:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Man in the Mirror

'I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. No message could have been any clearer, if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." Michael Jackson

I, too, have decided to start with the woman in the fact, I start with her every morning and I ask myself, "who can I help today so that God gets the glory and I live my purpose?" I think that we rush through life and forget to take the time to examine ourselves and ensure that we are being authentic and effectively using integrity and service as our most powerful character trait.

When I started Incredible One Enterprises, I developed a lot of "Incredible-isms" to illustrate the steps I believe are necessary to operate an Incredible life. One of those steps/principles, is the concept I aptly titled 'Inspect the Incredible' or completing that all important self-assessment. I can't remember which rap group and song says "check yourself before you wreck yourself," but that is exactly what comes to mind when I think of Michael Jackson's song and my concept of Inspecting the Incredible.

It is so important to take a look at your life and make sure that who you are is who you want to be and who others see you as is who you want to be seen as. Now, I am not suggesting that you allow others opinions of you to carry too much weight, but I do believe that you can tell a tree (a pillar of society that offers nourishment and strength) by the fruit it bears and of course you alredy know that if you are going to bear fruit, I think it should be passion fruit!

So how often do I complete this "Inspect the Incredible" step, Darnyelle? The simple answer is as often as you feel the need but minimally, I believe that each quarter or as the seasons change, we need to begin by inspecting ourselves. Each season in our life brings new challenges and rewards and having the personal stability to weather the seasons is essential to the Incredible You.

What do I do when I am "Inspecting the Incredible," Darnyelle? To borrow/rearrange a line from a Smokey Robinson hit, "Tracks of My Tears," "Take a good look at your face but if your smile is out of place, look closer and start to trace what needs to change in order for that frown to become a smile again. I think that being honest with yourself and asking yourself those tough questions like, "what do I hear about me from other people?, who do I think that I am? Am I successful at creating a brand that speaks to who I believe God created me to be?, etc. is a good place to start. I would also like to point out getting my 2nd book, The Incredible You can help as I included a detailed, thought provoking self-assessment in the book and my readers are telling me that it was just what they needed to finally define and unleash the Incredible inside.

There is so much more to Inspecting the Incredible....determining if your life bears fruit is so essential and of course, you've got to ask yourself if you are fertilizer or weed killer....adding or subtracting value....keeping relationships with people who are where you want to be and pulling you up versus bringing you down....keeping a positive attitude...speaking life affirming words over yourself and others....I could go on and on....

I think you get my point.

Grab a mirror and get started. We will all be glad that you did.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is the founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of Incredible One Enterprises,LLC a full service empowerment firm specializing in keynotes, seminars, workshops and books designed to define and unleash the Incredible in you using her P.A.C.E. Method. For more information, please visit

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You are who you think you are

"Who you are is not the reason you don't enjoy success; you’re destiny is hindered by who you think you are not."
Darrnyelle A. Jervey

Who do you say that you are? Who do you think that you are? As you know the saying goes, "you are who you say you are." So who will you be this day? We have a responsibility to be true to ourselves, when we represent ourselves in truth, we will be Incredible.

I remember when I was in the 5th grade. There was the pretty little girl, she was mixed and had long flowing thick, curly wavy hair. She was beautiful and I envied her. For so many reasons I cannot remember, I thought that if I could walk a mile in her shoes, somehow my life would be better. She came from a "good" family...her dad was a judge and her mother an affluent member of society...they had it going on. Even at that age, I shattered my ability to be the best me I could be because I thought that being a carbon copy of her would somehow be better.

How many of us have felt this way? How many of us see someone today and declare that if only we could be like them....

Well, as I have said before, you can only be the best copy of them OR you can be the authentic Incredible you by learning to change your definition of yourself. After all, as a man thinketh so is he Proverbs 23:7

I think that no matter the societal problem a person faces,the result stems from who they think they are. Take the man who abuses his wife, girlfriend, etc. He is strong arming her because he doesn't believe that he exudes strength. He feels that if he controls her, that gives him power but what he is failing to realize is that power starts within...if only he could see himself strong and able to control his situation by being a thermistat and not a thermometer, then he would feel secure in who he is and not have to take strength and power away from someone else..... take a woman in an abusive relationship. She doesn't believe that who she is deserves to be treated better than her current state so she stays and makes excuses for why she is his doormat....

My point is are who you say you are and who you say you are is exactly who others will say that you are....Who do you want others to say that you are? After you answer that question, be sure to ask yourself what it will take to truly be who you want others to say that you are?

As always, here are my tips:

1. Inspect the Incredible - we have to constantly do a self-assessment and to borrow from one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs, we have to start with the "Man in the Mirror.... We've got to ask him to change his ways. If you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change."

2. Be Authentic. Honesty truly is the best policy. Be honest with who you are. Like I said earlier you can only be a good copy at best of someone else but if you be who you were created to be, you can excel at that role everytime.

3. Learn to love yourself. To do this, you have to spend time with yourself getting to know your likes and dislikes. Learn to see yourself through the eyes of the Creator. When He made you, he said "It is good."

4. Attract the Incredible. Seek out relationships with people who want the best for you and people who know your worth. Self worth is more valuable than net worth in any portfolio and because of your self worth, your net worth will grow exponentially with people who support and believe in who you are.

5. Do something everyday to increase your self image. Doing something everyday will create a habit and positive habits are what leads to significant growth and change.

6. Be the change you want to see in other people - I guess this goes back to looking at the Man in the Mirror...but be a beacon of light. Marianne Williamson's poem Our Deepest Fear says that when we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.

7. Fear the fear, but do it anyway. No matter what comes your way, feel the fear but don't let the fear hinder you. Fear is normal as long as it doesn't stop you from achieving. You were only born with two fears but you are afraid of your own shadow....That's not the way it was intended. Get over it but doing it anyway. What is the worst that could happen?

8. Repeat positive life affirmations out loud to yourself in the mirror. This is very important because you will have what you say. So if you speak about it, you will naturally bring it about.

I hope my tips help you this "Walk it Out" Wednesday. It is my sincere hope that I may reflect myself in truth so that I can be a catalyst to invoke Incredible change in your life.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a national empowerment speaker, author of 5 books and life consultant. She is the CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC. For more information, visit