Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's not Forever...

"When your situation is not your ideal, remember, it's not forever, it's just for now." Darnyelle A. Jervey

I don't know about you but I have had my share of bad moments over the past couple of weeks. Can I be real with you? I know that when you are the "empowerment speaker" everyone believes that you wake up each day on top of the world. Can I set the record straight? We do not. We have the same obstacles and issues affecting us as you. There are no super girl panties to put on, lotions or other creams to spread on, etc that make the disappointments and heartaches dissipate. I hurt, I get discouraged and sometimes I even take my eyes off the prize and focus on my situation and not my promise...Yes, me. Remember, I am keeping it real today.

Sometimes "Walk it Out" Wednesday is about Walking into those things holding you back full force. I walk that you might walk away from your disappointments and walk toward your destiny....

But I hope that my transparency encourages you. Over the past couple of weeks I have been fixated on a quote I first heard Pastor Marvin Sapp say on the intro to his hit "Praise Him in Advance." He said, "A Worshipper in one who refuses to let what they see hinder what they believe." I get excited about this quote because we all have problems, troubles, issues, but the way we look at those very things is what determines how long we stay in that state and let the pity party music play.

Are y'all still with me?

I was about to send the invitations to a pity party last Friday when my significant other reminded me of who I am....Not that I forgot on purpose, but I temporarily allowed what I saw to hinder what I believed. I am so glad that he called me and put my in my place and restored my confidence. Yeah, my confidence. I know that I edify you and give you something to chew on, but I need to be encouraged too. It is difficult to bear the task to empower others because everyone feels like "you've got it going on," or "you always have your stuff together," and that is far from the truth some of the time.

So as I looked at my situation on Friday, after our phone call was over and I was feeling a little better about my situation, I remembered that it is not forever, it is just for now. Repeat it with me....It's not forever, it's just for now. The economy, your growing debt, your job that you despise, your car keeps breaking down, your relationship with that person who truly is not worthy of you but you can't find the strength to walk away, your house is too small,too dirty, etc no matter what the issue it's not forever, it's just for now.

I promise you this, if you focus on your promise and not your problems, they will start to bother you a little less each day....remember 95% of everything we do is our do you look at the glass on the table...half full, half empty, drip dry....running over?

When your bad days take over your good days, remember it's not forever, it's just for now and make the non-negotiable decision to refuse to allow what you see to hinder what you believe.

Be Incredible,it's already in you.

Darnyelle A. Jervey

Darnyelle is the founder & CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC a full service empowerment firm. For more information or to subscribe to her weekly newsletter, go to

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fruit fit to Enjoy

"You can't enjoy the fruit, if you don't nourish it from the root. Feed your mind with empowering thoughts, words and actions." ~Darnyelle A. Jervey

I am so excited for today's post.....At bible study yesterday, my pastor said something profound....He said, when you want fruit, where in the supermarket do you go? You go to the produce department right? Of course! Produce is the root word for production or....taking ACTION to being able to enjoy the fruit of your life. Darnyelle translation...Do the Incredible!!!! Now, you know I'm not talking about just any fruit, I am talking about passion fruit....

On a previous post, I described passion's juicy, its power-packed and full of vitamins and minerals to aid the body in digestion and offer energy that will empower your body to run a marathon! When you bear Passion fruit, watch your life change and your destiny be manifested in your life. What you send into the lives of others, most assuredly comes back into your own....

What he said wasn't that profound, it was the manifestation of what he said. As my mind began to pontificate over his words, I got elated in my must work to build the fruit of our lives. Our minds must be filled with empowerment...but we have to put it there...Life is full of choices and choosing to nourish ourselves and others is what will make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of others.

It's not going to always be easy to bear fruit but it will always be worth it. I have always said if you don't have anything empowering to say, don't say anything at all because saying nothing can often be an illustration of the juicest passion fruit the world has ever tasted.

So, how do you nourish the fruit?

1. Make a non negotiable decision that being a fruit bearer is a part of your job description.

2. Input determines output. What are you putting into your produce stand? Are you watching garbage on television, listening to crap on the radio, reading trashy novels? If you don't put good stuff in, good stuff will not come out.

3. Attract the Incredible. Of course I can't leave this one out. Fruit bearers attract fruit bearers. When you look at your circle of influence, do you see production in their lives? If not, run forest run.

4. Commit to producing fruit. Challenges will come but those who bear fruit will always prevail by doing it anyway. It may not always be easy but it will always be worth it.

Have an Incredible Walk it Out Wednesday.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is an empowerment speaker, author and consultant and the founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC. For more information, please visit

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Enthusiastic Expectation

"Your level of expectation is the catalyst to the determination to dream big & work hard to make your dreams a reality." Darnyelle A. Jervey

So powerful, so true. You have heard it said that you get what you ask for, right. I believe you get what you expect for. Here's the thing, your level of expectation is a direct result of your hope. If you have faith and believe in the possibility of your dreams becoming a reality, naturally, you will line up your life via planning and preparation to manifest that which you believe.

I am always in awe of people who know what they want and are working hard each day to make it happen. I believe that others see me as this type of person. It is my mission in life to achieve. Not just for me, but for those who have worked hard before me so that I could have a right to dream larger than life and watch those dreams manifest. But how did I get that way? I realized that the creator already provided me with everything that I need to succeed in life; I realized that the worst thing that could happen if I went for it and it didn't happen was that I would remain the same. But, I get excited about the possibility of a chance to change my life and shift my destiny and so, I go for it. Wouldn't you?

I expect for Incredible things to happen in my life. Plain and simple, point blank. I am fully convinced that I really can accomplish anything to which I put my mind and, more importantly I know that you can to.

As always, I've got a few tips to share with you....

1. Make a non-negotiable decision to foster the change and personal growth necessary to go to the place you want to in your life.
2. After the decision has been made, do not waiver, instead expect that through guidance, your dream will take flight and you will soar like an eagle.
3. Focus on transferring your belief from those things that have held you bound to the inability to achieve to you - believe in yourself, believe that anything is possible.
4. Do something everyday that gets you closer to the achievement of your goal, even when you don't feel like it. This will create a habit and habits are transformed into dreams realized.
5. Expect that what you want to occur will happen. No excuses, just expect it.

"When your level of expectation lines up with your level of belief, the manifestation of the Incredible in you is on the horizon." Darnyelle A. Jervey

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a professional speaker, author and consultant. She is the Founder of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC a full service empowerment firm dedicated to defining and unleashing the Incredible in You using the PACE Method. For more information, visit or

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

From Spec to Spectacular

You were born with everything that you need to be Incredible but somewhere along the way, you lost sight of that all important keepsake. Maybe it was because you were walking by sight and not by faith....maybe it was because your situation looks bleak and someone told you that "you'll never amount to anything." Or maybe someone told you that you were ugly and stupid and that no one would ever love you. You were gfoing to be just like your father, mother, sister or brother - you will be a hot mess! Let me encourage you this "Walk it Out Wednesday," you may feel small (like a spec or particle of nothingness)and insignificant right now based on what is happening around you, but not so. You are still are Incredible. You were born with an inherent right to live Incredibly but will you ever walk into it. Get rid of doubt, fear, debt and trepidation..... When you take your eyes off your problems and focus on your promise, the Incredible in you will be unleashed...the spec will become spectacular.

Sight is such a distraction to purpose...if you do not know how to prevent what you see from adversely affecting what you believe, you will never realize the Incredible. With our eyes, we forfeit so much....if we could just put on blinders and walk it out in faith, fully convinced that what we seek we shall have because we have learned to speak it and even though we don't yet see it, we know that it is going to happen, and happen Incredibly!

I'll tell you a true story that helped me to go from spoec to spectacular....I use to have a best friend who never liked for anyone else to be doing anything better than she. She would down play anything you did because her self-confidence was low and she didn't believe that she could achieve what her dreams were. One day, we were walking to the park and she said, "Darny (my nickname) I had a dream that you were going to be a bum when we grow up. I know that sounds crazy, but the dream was so real. I remember running into you years later and you were on the street corner with one of those homeless signs." I started to cry immediately, why would my friend say that about me? I know today it is because she is an Incredible SNATCHER but she was supposed to be my friend, right. Well, I stopped crying mid way when I head a small voice say "don't believe her. You will be great some day."I started to smile suddenly, but I hid it a little because I didn't want her to think that I knew better than she, she was bigger than I and I didn't want to get into a fight (smile) I instead started to think of how I could get away from her because she was bringing me down. I focused on that small voice and continued to walk along side of her saying nothing. Out of nowhere, she stumbled and fell busting her lip and loosing a tooth. I believe today that occured because God doesn't like ugly! The point is this: don't cry and get discouraged when people tell you who they think you are....You are Incredible, focus on what you hear - that still small voice - as it tells you how Spectacular you are....Be like me and prove them wrong. Now, I'm not an evil person but I am sure she is some place where she can hear about who I am today because I didn't allow her words and looking at what I saw hinder what I believed to be true about me. I encourage you to do the same.

What will it take to turn the spec into the spectacular? Four simple things: say them with me.... Purposeful Passion, Attitudes of Abundance, Consistent Confidence and Enthusiastic Expectation. When you find your purpose and illuminate your passion by developing and sustaining an attitude of abundance in all things regardless of what you see with your natural eyes, you beccome fully convinced in your ability to do anything to which you put your mind and therefore expect to achieve the Incredible in your life, the spec will dissipate and the spectacular will rise.

Focus on your P.A.C.E. this week and experience a Moment of Manifestation.

Be Incredible,

Darnyelle A. Jervey is a national speaker, author and consultant. For more information visit